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2013 April Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Amy Everitt, Bob Callahan
Members Absent: Leslie Tuttle, Chris Burke
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Director Park, Recreation & Community Services, Tim Short, Supervisor, Salem Parks Recreation, Patrick Burke, David Smith, Janine Matho, Kurt Maw, Pam Katsiris, Meg Wright, Ashley Steeves, Gail Sados, Keri Cahill, Adam Delonais
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:46pm

Approval of March minutes

Motion to accept by Callahan 2nd by Everitt


Sergeant Harry Rocheville – Uniform Park Closing Times (LETTER TO THE COMMISSION)

Sergeant Rocheville proposes that we approve uniform park closing times.  Document that was approved by the city solicitor is attached.

Callahan stated that there is no documentation available that states a closing time or the rules for parks.  Callahan motions that the Commission passes the statement as written and be forwarded to the City Solicitor to decide whether or not it should become a city ordinance.  Partanen said that once this is passed, she can update the signage, etc.  Shea recommends that the park signs should all come down.  2nd by Everitt.

Discussion: Shea asked when signs would come down and Callahan said immediately.

Patrick Burke – Jack Rubin Memorial Golf Tournament (ABSENT)

Financial report will be distributed at the meeting.

David Smith – Sail Salem

Discussed the option to have Sail Salem at Winter Island for another season. Smith is looking for approval to operate on Winter Island for youth and adult programs.  Shea as if there were any changes from last year.  Burke said they were facilitating for Salem residents. Smith said they are currently marketing in schools using bi-lingual notices and are providing open houses to have people come and sign up in person.  They have free and pay program and use a sliding scale based on need.  For residents it’s $250 & non-residents it’s $300. Shea said you’ll coordinate with manager and Harbormaster. Burke agreed.  Callahan asked if Partanen has any questions.  Partanen was concerned about parking.  Burke responded that this gets worked out with instructors.  Partanen pointed out that for paddle boarding, people need to pay to park.  Burke stated that the justification is the adult program is volunteer run and money coming in is for the kids programming.  He said that if they grow bigger.

Callahan – stressed the parking being coordinated with Burke and that changes may be made through the year.  Must coordinate with Manager and Partanen who will need to draft up something to send to Burke to make this official.

Callahan motioned that everything goes through by Partanen.  2nd by Everitt.  Motion passes unanimously.

Janine Matho – Salem Education Foundation, Salem Common

May 4th 7am-4pm community event with approximately 200 people. Matho stated it is in conjunction with a city event but is unable to verify who they have coordinated with.  Will ask for more details at meeting.

Matho explained that they’re hosting an education day on May 4th, a free city-wide day to explore educational opportunities for everyone. Wants to use the common for mostly small children.  Callahan asked if she’s coordinated it with Ellen and Matho said Rosario coordinated with Ellen.  Partanen said she will check with Ellen and Shea suggested they call Ellen tomorrow.  Partanen said that the request was to waive the fee since it was a city-wide event.  

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt. Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Kurt Maw & Dan Shuman– Witches Cup Bike Race, Salem Common

August 7 12pm-9pm, approximately 1500 people; electricity, tents, port-a-potties (3-4); selling/serving food and vendors.

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Pam Katsiris – Greek Family Picnic, Winter Island

Katsiris requests the use of Pavilion for the annual Greek Picnic on June 30th.  Members wanted to hear about admission plans and estimated number of guests.

Katsiris said this is the 3rd year and they want to do 1 day this year. Otherwise, it’s exactly the same as before. They’ll have a police detail and sell beer & wine.   Callahan stated there was an issue with “free” parking last year.  He’s concerned that Salem residents are not going to be able to get in there because of the offer of free parking as part of the event.  This concern was brought up last year.  Callahan asked how my they pay.  Katsiris said they pay $425 (nonprofit rate).  She said they would do remote parking.  Shea stated they got complaints last year.  Katsiris said the organizers can park remotely.  Callahan has a problem with the term “free parking” going on the flier.  He said he has a problem with non-residents coming in and parking in the week before the 4th of July.  Callahan motions that they promote “free off-site parking”.  Everitt agrees with Callahan.  She also asked about how the beer and wine worked.  Katsiris said they sell tickets for beer and wine. They have a certified bar tender and have their liquor license.  Callahan and Shea suggest parking on Fort Avenue and Fort Lee.  Katsiris expressed concern that the contract states “free parking”. Callahan suggested they park in the big dirt parking lot by the Willows and that people will have to be dropped off.  Callahan is “all for the event” and motions that they grant the event without the free parking.  Katsiris asked what the parking fee was and Partanen stated it was $10.  Callahan also stated that because there’s limited space, he will motion that there be free off site parking and that

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Discussion: Shea added that the organization of the parking is on Katsiris.  Partanen will follow up with an updated contract.

Rose Fisher – North Shore Cancer Walk

June 23, 2013 6:30am-11am Salem Common and The Willows.  They will need electricity at gazebos.

Has the permission from City Council to run the event and are looking for permission to use the Willows and Salem Common.  It’s just the walk now since it’s too big.  

Everitt motions and 2nd by Callahan.  Passes unanimously.

Ashley Steeves – B&S Event Management HAWC Run/Walk 5 Miler

May 5, 2013 8am-2pm approximately 1,000 people; Salem Common; Needs electricity; will provide port-a-potties and food will be served.

Requesting permission to use the Common from 8am-2pm.  Partanen says date is ok.

Everitt motions to approve. 2nd by Callahan. Passes un

Steeves has a question about port-a-potty locations.  Partanen will follow up with Steeves to get her a map.

Gail Sados & Paula Contilli– Garden Stroll, Salem Common

July 13 8am-4pm – July 14th 9am-4pm.  She has been informed that there is a wedding rental of the Gazebo on July 13th from 10am-1pm that must not be interfered with.

They want to sell tickets on July 13th and 14th.  Looking to do that right across from the Witch History Museum.  The table has a basic canopy which is very small.

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Keri Cahill – Rebel Shakespeare, Winter Island (ABSENT)

Cahill asked permission to continue running their summer program at Winter Island.  

Adam Delonais, Salem Community Charter School – Public Pump Track

Discussed the possibility of adding a pump track to the City of Salem.  A pump track is a series of “rollers” and “berms” in any form of a loop and ridden with a bicycle.

Delonais wants to build a bike “pump track” in Gallows Hill for bikes. He stated that helmets are required.  He stated described that it’s a ramp that can be made in any size.  Callahan asked who could build it and Delonais said he could build it with the help of volunteers and Central Cycle in Beverly.  Callahan asked who would be responsible and Delonais said probably the City.  Shea asked for further clarification about what this looks like.  Shea asked Partanen if we have the space for it. Partanen responded that we have space at the skate park.  

Callahan responded that we could give it an initial approval, but first the City Solicitor should have a look at this to examine the liability.  Shea doesn’t think we have a liability issue since parks are often build with no problem.  Shea requested a drawing of the layout and requested it be brought in to the next meeting.  

Callahan added that we need exact location, materials used and estimated time it will take to complete.  Callahan asks that this be tabled till the next meeting. Callahan asked Kurt Maw to review the plans to give his feedback.

Liz Stone, John Bertram House – Concert Salem Common/Washington Square

Stone wants to host a concert at the Common Sunday June 23rd with the Merrimack Valley Concert Band.  Stone went on to say that they’re a 50 piece band that plays from the American Songbook.  Shea asked if the Salem Common was aware of this.

Everitt motions and Callahan 2nds.  Passes unanimously.

Superintendent’s Report

Review monthly revenue reports

Golf course revenue is doing ok.  Witch House is doing well and is right on track, which is similar to last year.  Willows meters just came in.  Recreation revolving account is being built back up and she’s asked Short to do revenue sheets for instructors.  Winter Island brought in $11,400 in March and they’re still on track and have beat April numbers.  Re-doing bathrooms and replacing the hot water heaters and toilets.

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Willows Pier

An RFP will need to go out for the repair.  The materials in the packet where from the insurance company and the person from the company will get back to Partanen in a week or two about the costs for the damage.  Shea stressed that we have to get it fixed and Partanen agreed.  Shea asked if the job was under $10,000 we don’t have to put it out for bid.  Shea also stressed that we get an RFP.  Partanen said given the criteria, it could be only a few weeks to go out for bid.  Shea asked Partanen to get some pricing and we need to get this going.

Bench Donation

Partanen stated that this is till on hold because of trees.

Everitt motions and 2nd by Callahn that benches go in on approval of Partanen.  Passes unanimously.

Proposed Fees

Callahan motions to approve and 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Registration Software, Online Registration

Ok received from the Mayor and the company is willing to defer the fee until the new fiscal year.  It costs $7,000 to start and $3,000 per year.  Everitt asked if there’s an app for it and Partanen said there wasn’t.  The new software will eventually be made available online.  Partanen said that the developer may be able to create an app for the program.

Parks & Facility

Opening Dates – McCabe, Winter Island, Pool

McCabe - May 15th
Winter Island - May 20th
Pool - June 22nd

Winter Island parking stickers are available at the Park & Recreation and Winter Island offices.

Cyclocross Race – Winter Island

On hold.  Will come to next meeting to present.

Robert Hayes – Willows Shell Naming

Partanen – this matter keeps bringing this up.  Shea is in favor of this.  Everitt stated that he’s the person who does the Tuesday concerts.  Shea asked Partanen to make sure the sign is not too big/small.

Everitt motions and 2nd by Callahan.

Callahan asked Partanen to include some history on the signage.

Bridgewell use of Camp Naumkeag

Partanen stated that they requested use of Camp Naumkeag and Callahan requested they come in to ask the Commission in person.  Shea read the letter dated April 2, 2013 that the organization sent requesting.  Shea agreed with Callahan in his request for them to come to the next meeting to make their request in person.

Funds Request for Olde Salem Greens

Partanen wants to put a big granite sign at the entrance to make it more visible.  Shea asked Partanen about the location of the sign and she responded that it would outside where it can be seen from the street.  Shea wants to table to next meeting.  Partanen also stated that Paul will be at next meeting to discuss this.  Callahan said that this has to go through the building inspector who has to approve the location.  Everitt suggested that to increase the visibility of the golf course, there needs to be more signage.  Shea suggested having signs on the top and bottom of Willson Street to direct people to the golf course.

Partanen added that there is a problem with the soil being hydrophobic and new fertilizer needs to be used to greatly improve the golf course conditions.  Shea asked if Manager has fertilizer in his budget and Partanen responded that this year was different since they want to improve the greens.

Partanen said there is $134,000 in receipts right now.  Callahan motions to approve this expenditure 2nd by Everitt.  Partanen will ask Paul Lever (Manager) to come to the City Council for final approval.  Callahan commented that the money is there.  Shea commented that he’s got a problem with the lateness of getting this in.  Shea requested that these expenses be in next year’s budget.

Motion passes unanimously.

Concert Series - Peabody Park – Mamadou

Callahan motions to approve. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

New Business

Approved location of the rock from the Salem Garden Club (from letter in packet). Letter states the Garden Club will maintain the location of the rock.

Shea said that the trim and deck at Salem Municipal Golf Course is on the verge of being pretty bad if some stain is not put on it. Shea asked Partanen if we could get some pricing on that and she agreed. Will ask a contractor she recently worked with who did the Pavilion at Winter Island.   WHERE at is in need of paint.

Everitt commented that there’s small rot at the small Pavilion at Winter Island in the posts that needs repair. Shea asked Partanen if someone could look at that and Partanen agreed. Everitt stated it was on the side as you come into Winter Island.

Callahan asked how we’re doing budget-wise as we are getting close to Year End.  Partanen.  We need $20,000 for mulch for all parks and we only have $30,000 in budget.  Shea asked Partanen when she’s meeting with the Mayor next.  Partanen will schedule one-on-one with the Mayor outside the Department Head meeting.

Callahan stressed to Partanen to create a “paper trail” to show process.

Old Business

Partanen said the snack bar is in the permitting process and believes SideKim is working on getting the appropriate permits. Partanen will help SideKim with permits. SideKim had attempted to get a tobacco license, but, that was turned down by the licensing board. Partanen commented that it was most likely because he wanted to sell cigars, which tend to be big sellers on golf courses.  Callahan asked Partanen if he’s paying rent yet, and Partanen replied that he’s not paying yet, but is paying around $3,000 for the season.

Motion to adjourn at 8:03 by Callahan 2nd by Everitt

Next Meeting May 21, 2013